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pg电子游戏试玩’s 完成比赛 (C2C) Program is coordinated in conjunction with a statewide initiative to help Mississippi adults who have earned college credit, 但不要有学位, 通过完成学位课程来改善他们的生活.

For more information about how to enroll in the 完成2场比赛 program at pg电子游戏试玩, 请联系C2C教练, Dr. 特蕾西·史密斯,601号.877.6528或电邮至 (电子邮件保护).


学生必须被pg电子游戏试玩录取或重新录取. 的 C2C coach conducts an acad位的 evaluation and applies earned credits of 90 hours or greater towards a Bachelor of 艺术s University Studies degree. 的 prospective student whose acad位的 evaluations that does not meet this requirement, the C2C coach works to identify the next best steps to achieve the student’s goal.


的 Adult Degree Completion Program is intended to serve adult learners who have earned at least 90 credit hours but have not competed a baccalaureate degree, have not attended a postsecondary institution in the past twenty-four (24) months based on last date of attendance, 并且对完成学位感兴趣.


University Studies students can also take advantage of the 终身信贷政策. This Policy enables student to earn up to 30 hours of institutional credits for their work experience. 的 student will need to provide the proper documentation form their employer (letter of experience and tenure on the job, 认证, 等.)

学术宽恕政策- C2C

〇第二次学习机会 本科生, previously enrolled at pg电子游戏试玩 who has not been enrolled in any postsecondary education institution since leaving pg电子下载 State, 合资格申请 阿德莱德大学位的 第二次机会政策. 的 学术 Second Chance option must be requested before the end of the second semester of re-admission. 学生可以使用这个选项 一个 time.


  1. 的 student is required to have been separated from the University for a Minimum of twenty-four (24) consecutive months.
  2. All acad位的 credit hours and grades earned during previous enrollment at pg电子游戏试玩 will remain on the student’s transcript:
    1. 学术 credit hours with grades of “C” and above may be used to meet degree requirements.
    2. 学术 credit hours with grades of less than “C” will not be used in the computation of the student’s grade point average.
  3. 的 student must meet all degree requirements based on the current catalog at the time of readmission.

4.如果学校或部门不允许重新入学, 不受学术第二次机会政策的约束.

〇学术新起点 本科生, previously enrolled at pg电子游戏试玩 who has not been enrolled in any postsecondary education institution since leaving pg电子下载 State, 合资格申请 学术新学期政策. 的 学术 新的开始 option must be requested before the end of the second semester of re-admission. 学生可以使用这个选项 一个 time.


  1. 的 student is required to have been separated from the University for a Minimum of thirty-six (36) consecutive months.
  2. 学术 新的开始 option must be requested before the end of the second semester of re-admission with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  3. All acad位的 credit hours and grades earned during previous enrollment at pg电子游戏试玩 will remain on the student’s transcript but will not be counted toward degree requirements.
  4. 的 student must meet all degree requirements that are in effect at the time of re-admission to pg电子游戏试玩. (当年目录)
  5. 如果学校或部门不允许重新入学, 不受学术新学期政策限制.

(Ihl政策521.A.2. P.89)

  1. Re-admission into the C2C Initiative may be accepted to satisfy the Adult Degree Completion Program degree requirements. Transfer coursework for which a student earned a grade of “D” may be accepted to satisfy the Adult Degree Completion Program degree requirements. 所有不及格的成绩(e.g., “F” grades) received before admission to the Adult Degree Completion Program may be disregarded but should count in credit hours attempted to determine financial aid eligibility. Additional requirements may be established by the admitting institution.


C2C倡议并不是一个资金充足的项目. 了解财务状况可能是成人学习者的障碍, C2C为符合条件的学生提供C2C助学金. This grant can be used to pay a past debt at any of our Mississippi public community colleges or universities and assist with expenses for students enrolling through C2C. C2C资助总额为1000美元.在每个符合条件的学期获得奖学金. 点击了解更多关于申请C2C补助金的步骤 在这里.

的 C2C Coach will be able to help guide students through that process if they have questions. Helping to lessen this financial burden will result in more adult learners completing their degrees, 允许更好的工作, 更高的工资, 更强的劳动力, 更稳定的家庭.